Dems Upset About Severity of Fetterman’s Condition Becoming Public, Not Debate Performance


Political pundits and average Americans alike are still talking about the debate between Pennsylvania Senate candidates Dr. Mehmet Oz and Lt. Gov. John Fetterman.

It didn’t take any time at all for it to be very apparent that Fetterman, who suffered a stroke in May, is still having some very serious struggles.

But as reports roll in about Democrats panicking – or freaking out – about Tuesday night’s performance, it’s becoming clear what they’re really upset about.

It’s not the debate performance itself. Rather, it’s the mistake of allowing the full scope of Fetterman’s condition to be laid bare before the nation.

A typical reaction: one Pennsylvania Democrat strategist said, “Fetterman’s team never should have agreed to this debate. He still clearly has serious health issues.”

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Even A Problem For CNN

The nondisclosure of John Fetterman’s condition, and they way it was handled by the campaign, was even a problem for CNN.

Medical analyst Dr. Jonathan Reiner described Fetterman’s stroke as “a significant neurological injury.” One that takes time and hard work to overcome. 

While arguing that he admired Fetterman’s willingness to go out and take the punches he knew would be coming, Dr. Reiner also hit his campaign for trying to hide the seriousness of what happened:

“Part of the problem is that, you know, the campaign was opaque at the very beginning. They didn’t really disclose the degree of his illness. We don’t really know how sick he was. In fact, his treating physicians were never made available to the press or the public, so we don’t really know how much Mr. Fetterman has actually recovered.”

Most conservatives you talk to certainly have at least some degree of sympathy for Fetterman himself, but agree with Reiner on placing blame with those around Fetterman. 

Clearly, his issue is deeper than was let on all along. And that brings me back to my initial point. That’s what Democrats are upset about. 

Not that Fetterman is actually incapacitated and unable to do the job of a United States Senator, but that the public is now aware of it.

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What’s Really Going On

John Fetterman appeared before the crowd at a Dave Matthews concert Wednesday night.

He told the crowd, “To be honest here, doing that debate wasn’t exactly easy. You know. Knew it wasn’t going to be easy after having a stroke after five months, in fact. And in fact, I don’t think that’s ever been done before in American political history before, actually. You know, after that stroke, I got knocked down, but I got back up!”

There might be a reason for that, Mr. Fetterman.

Hiding his condition seemed to be paying off for the Fetterman campaign.

According to Real Clear Politics, Fetterman was leading Dr. Oz in the polls throughout most of the summer. But as in other states, as the election gets closer, the Pennsylvania Senate race has tightened. The latest RCP average has Fetterman only up by 1.3 points and the race is ranked a toss-up.

Democrats appear to only care about remaining in power, even at the expense of someone’s health. But one has to wonder, why the people who love and care about John Fetterman the most, have allowed him and his recovery to be used in such a callous way.

What has also been exposed, is just how desperate Democrats are.

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