Dilbert Creator Scott Adams Reacts to Shocking Poll Asking If It’s ‘Okay to be White’: ‘That’s a Hate Group’


Dilbert creator Scott Adams had a very strong reaction to a Rasmussen poll asking respondents whether or not they felt it is “ok to be white.”

“That was an actual question Rasmussen asked,” he told viewers of his Real Coffee With Scott Adams YouTube video series.

The results were somewhat shocking, as 26% of black people who responded said they disagreed with the statement “it’s ok to be white,” while another 21% were unsure.

“Add them together, that is 47% of black respondents were not willing to say it’s okay to be white,” a seemingly stunned Adams said. “That actually – that’s like a real poll.”

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Scott Adams on Poll Asking If It’s ‘OK to be White’

Adams then had a provocative reaction to the poll, joking that he had been ‘identifying’ as black but could no longer do so based on the results.

“Nearly half of all blacks are not okay with white people,” he said. “According to this poll – not according to me – according to this poll.”

“That’s a hate group,” added Adams.

Of those who “strongly disagree” with the aforementioned statement there are – 18% of blacks, 10% of Hispanics, and just 2% of whites.

Additionally, 8% of Democrats strongly disagree that it’s ‘ok to be white.’

Adams continued by suggesting race issues can’t be fixed according to this poll and that white people should separate themselves from such a ‘hate group.’

“I would say, based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from Black people,” the cartoonist joked.

“Just get the fuck away. Wherever you have to go, just get away. Because there’s no fixing this. This can’t be fixed,” Adams continued.

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Poll Asks if Black People Can Be Racist Too

The other question in the Rasmussen poll asked respondents if they agree or disagree with the statement – “Black people can be racist, too.”

Overall, 79% of Americans who responded agreed with the sentiment, including a majority – 53% – who strongly agree.

Taken together, another alternative view here is that despite the media narrative that paints America as strictly black or white, there are, in reality, several shades of gray.

The media portrays all whites as racists and all blacks as victims of racism.

But this poll shows 72% overall agree that it’s ‘ok to be white’ while 79% understand the reality that there are racists of every skin color.

While Scott Adams response may have been part disbelief in the poll question, part doubt in the poll results, and a mixture of satire, perhaps this response to Rasmussen’s incendiary questions is the best one:

Indeed, it’s time Americans start looking at each other as individuals rather than painting them with the broad brush of racism that the media wants them to believe.

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