DOJ Picks Same Special Master Candidate Who Was Behind Behind Giuliani and Toensing Home Raids


Retired Decide Barbara Jones

Just Human on Telegram reported famous that the DOJ picked the identical corrupt choose they used to approve the raids on Rudy Giulian and Victoria Toensing’s houses.

Decide Barbara Jones was additionally involved in the James O’Keefe Search Warrant Case.

As you might recall — the Stasi-FBI took all of Rudy’s electronics except for the Hunter Biden Laptop hard drive that he provided them.

Retired leftist Decide Barbara Jones was chosen by the DOJ as their candidate for Particular Grasp.

TRENDING: EXCLUSIVE: Chris Wray Put FBI on High Alert After Scouring Gateway Pundit and Flagging 1 Comment Out of 35,000 Daily Comments Following Mar-a-Lago Raid

The FBI is the paramilitary arm of the DNC.

This was taken from Friday’s court filing.

By way of Just Human

The identical Particular Grasp who served within the:

** The Michael Cohen Case
** The Rudy Giuliani and Vitoria Toensing Search Warrant Case
** The Venture Veritas/James O’Keefe Search Warrant Case

Has been nominated as first decide by DOJ within the:

-Mar-a-Lago Search Warrant Case


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