Don Jr Says Paul Ryan Is The Reason He Hasn’t Been on Fox News – “That’s Him Pushing His RINO, America Last, War-Forever Garbage” –


Paul Ryan is destroying Fox News.

Donald Trump Jr. ripped into Paul Ryan in a Rumble video on Monday.

He called out Ryan for saying he’d skip the RNC Convention if Trump was the nominee.

He also said that Ryan was the reason he hasn’t been on Fox News in 6 months.

Mediaite reported:

Donald Trump Jr. went on a diatribe against Paul Ryan, blaming the former House Speaker as the reason why he hasn’t appeared on Fox News in months.

The son of the former president posted a video to Rumble on Monday to address Ryan’s statement that he won’t attend the Republican National Convention in 2024 if the GOP nominates Donald Trump for president again.

“No one gives a crap!” Trump Jr. exclaimed. “Literally no one!”

From there, the Trump scion moved on to the fact that Ryan has spent the last 3 years sitting on the Fox Corporation’s Board of Directors. The former president has repeatedly invoked this fact when complaining about his Fox News coverage, so Trump’s son decided to take a page out of his father’s book.

VIDEO (transcript below)

From the video above:

“This guy is the guy on the board of Fox News, which also explains a lot about the direction and some of the content I’m seeing out there folks. This explains, to me, almost everything, frankly. I know I haven’t been invited on in six months, so I’m sure that’s him pushing his RINO, America Last, war-forever garbage to the Democrats’ agenda.”

Here is the full video:

Fox News should dump RINO Paul Ryan and focus on reporting the truth!

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