Donald Trump Jr. Is So Terrified Of The 1/6 Committee That He Showed Up And Cooperated


Donald Trump Jr. didn’t invoke his Fifth Modification proper whereas displaying up and answering all questions from the 1/6 Committee.

Donald Trump Jr. Cooperates With The 1/6 Committee

CNN reported:

Trump Jr. was a high-profile surrogate for the Trump marketing campaign and was among the many most outstanding supporters of his father to push a false narrative concerning the election leads to the interval between the 2020 election and January 6, 2021. Trump Jr. was with the previous President backstage outdoors the White Home earlier than his speech on the “Cease the Steal” rally on the Ellipse.

An individual acquainted with the interview stated it was carried out remotely, lasted a bit greater than three hours, and was cordial. Trump Jr. answered all of the questions and didn’t assert the Fifth Modification throughout the interview, the particular person stated.

Donald Trump Jr. Answered Questions As a result of He Is Afraid Of The Committee

Whether or not or not the DOJ acts on extra 1/6 Committee legal referrals, the specified impact has been achieved. Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, and Donald Trump Jr. have all sat for interviews with the committee.

Given the Trump household’s observe of non-cooperation, it’s honest to specific skepticism that such conduct would have occurred with out the committee sending the sturdy assertion that non-cooperation carries a hefty value.

All of his robust public discuss vanished, as when push got here to shove, Donald Trump Jr. sang to the 1/6 Committee.

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