Donald Trump Says It’s “Very Unlikely” He Would Consider Ron DeSantis as Running Mate – Launches Multiple Attacks on DeSantis (VIDEO)


You can put the idea of a Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis dream ticket to bed for good now.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that DeSantis described himself as “more of an executive guy” in response to speculation over Trump selecting him as running mate. Of course, politicians in the past have dismissed the vice-presidential role before ultimately accepting it.

But Trump all but ruled out the possibility in an interview with Newsmax on Friday, calling the idea of an alliance “very unlikely.” He told host Rob Schmitt he “never thought of” picking DeSantis as a running mate and there were multiple other options to choose from in the GOP.

No, I think that would be a very unlikely alliance.

“I’ve never thought of it. We have a lot of great people in the Republican Party. I’ve never thought of it; but you know some people every once in awhile mention it, but that’s about it.

WATCH (Trump starts talking about DeSantis around the 4:00 mark):

The former president again claimed credit for DeSantis’s political success during the interview. Trump cited his role in helping DeSantis win the 2018 Gubernatorial Primary against former Republican Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam.

I appointed him. He was failing badly in the polls. He was out of politics. He was going to be out of politics, and I endorsed him, and he went from a very small number to a very high number. I had rallies for Ron, and we got him in.

Then a couple of years later, they said, ‘Would you run against the president for president?’ He said, ‘I have no comment.’ I said, ‘That’s not supposed to happen.

Trump went on to hit DeSantis’s electability and launched a series of attacks against the Florida governor on entitlements, COVID, and education.

If you look at his record, he can’t win, because he voted against Social Security; he voted against everything. He voted against things that are so important. Medicare. He voted against Medicare. He wanted to raise the age substantially of people getting Social Security.

“The things he’s voted against are devastating because people don’t know this about Ron: Ron was a disciple of Paul Ryan. And Paul Ryan was a loser. You know that. He was a loser in many ways.”

“You know everyone thought he did great on COVID; but if you look at the list, he did poorly on COVID. He was in the numbers, the same numbers as New York — a little bit worse than New York.”

“He’s bad on education. “Bad on COVID. Bad on many different things that people don’t know about as somebody I feel like I am running against, even though he has not announced.

The former president also asked Schmitt “to get the word out” on DeSantis’s policies.

But you have to get the word out, Rob. You know, I don’t like saying this about another Republican, but you have to.

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