Durham shocker: Danchenko was a paid FBI informant


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Learn the whole report here.

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At present, Particular Counsel John Durham moved to unseal this movement in limine within the false statements case towards Igor Danchenko.

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This movement offers new info on the small print of Danchenko’s lies to the FBI, additional info on how Particular Counsel Mueller ignored Danchenko’s false statements, anticipated testimony from Clinton-connected govt Charles Dolan, and one loopy growth.

However we’ll begin with the probably the most damning growth: Danchenko was on the FBI payroll as a confidential human supply (CHS) from March 2017 by means of October 2020.

The needs of constructing Danchenko a CHS must be fairly clear. The Crossfire Hurricane investigation was plagued with issues from the outset. The explanations for opening the investigation had been bunk. These issues continued because the investigation went on, with claims of Trump/Russia collusion confirmed unverified or outright false. (Thus the concentrating on of Flynn for a Logan Act violation.)

These issues continued with the Carter Web page FISA functions, first submitted to the Overseas Intelligence Surveillance Court docket (FISC) in October 2016, and which relied considerably on the Steele Dossiers (aka Steele Studies). The FISA functions had been renewed 3 times – extra on that later. Every utility had its personal issues, from FBI attorneys mendacity about Carter Web page to the Court docket being typically misled.

Realizing its personal misconduct, the FBI made Danchenko a paid CHS in March 2017 – simply earlier than the third FISA warrant was submitted in April 2017. This is able to enable Comey’s FBI to work immediately with Danchenko in assist of its counter-intelligence investigation towards President Trump.

Danchenko being a CHS additionally served one other function: it protected the Bureau and the Mueller Particular Counsel from revealing their “sources and strategies.” How do you conceal misconduct? Bury the witness.

(Learn once more Inspector Normal Horowitz’s report regarding the Carter Web page FISA warrants. Did Horowitz know that Danchenko was a CHS?)

Context helps – right here’s a quick timeline of the Danchenko interviews and different vital occasions:

  • October 2016: The primary Carter Web page FISA warrant is submitted to the FISC.
  • January 12, 2017: The applying for the second FISA warrant is submitted to the FISC.
  • January 24-25, 2017: Danchenko is first interviewed by the FBI. At these conferences, he made false statements that he spoke to Sergei Millian by telephone and that Millian agreed to fulfill him in New York. Each these claims had been false.
  • March 2017: Danchenko is employed by the FBI as a CHS.
  • March 16, 2017: Danchenko lies to FBI brokers that “he acquired a late July 2016 phone name from a person who Danchenko believed was ‘in all probability’ [Millian”], when in fact and actually, and because the defendant nicely knew, [Millian] by no means referred to as Danchenko.”
  • April 7, 2017: The applying for the third FISA warrant is submitted to the FISC.
  • Could 9, 2017: President Trump fires FBI Director James Comey.
  • Could 17, 2017: Robert Mueller is appointed Particular Counsel.
  • Could 18, 2017: Danchenko falsely states to FBI brokers that he “‘was underneath the impression’ {that a} late July 2016 phone name he acquired was from [Millian’]” when actually Millian by no means referred to as Danchenko.
  • June 15, 2017: Danchenko lies to FBI brokers that he had by no means “spoken with PR Govt-1” (Dolan) concerning the file allegations.
  • June 29, 2017: The applying for the fourth FISA warrant is submitted to the FISC.
  • October 24, 2017: Danchenko lies to FBI brokers, stating that he had spoken to Millian “on the phone on a couple of event.”
  • November 16, 2017: Danchenko lies to the FBI towards, stating “he had spoken to [Millian] on the phone” when he knew he by no means did.
  • December 9, 2019: The Horowitz report is launched, detailing the DOJ/FBI/Mueller FISA abuse.
  • October 19, 2020: John Durham is appointed Particular Counsel.
  • October 2020: Danchenko is terminated as a CHS.

For background functions, right here’s our dialogue on the Danchenko indictment and what the FBI knew about Danchenko’s Clinton connections. Recall that Danchenko was indicted for a number of false statements given to federal officers throughout the Trump/Russia investigation. Anyhow, again to at present’s movement.

The Movement in Limine

When the Steele Studies had been launched, the media picked-up on probably the most salacious rumors, one which was totally unbelievable: that Russian intelligence had a video of Trump concerned with prostitutes on the Moscow Ritz-Carlton Resort. Also referred to as the “pee tape.”

The allegation got here from Danchenko, who attributed it to his sources – one from the Ritz-Carlton, and one other being Sergei Millian. Durham will refute it, because it expects to name at trial “Bernd Kuhlen,” the then-general supervisor of the Ritz-Carlton, who will deny talking with or ever assembly Danchenko “in June 20165, or at any time.”

Learn the remaining here.

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