E. Jean Carroll Files Rape Lawsuit Against Donald Trump


E. Jean Carroll announced on Thanksgiving that she had filed a rape lawsuit against Donald Trump.

Carroll tweeted:

The lawsuit:

Carroll already has a defamation suit that is ongoing against Donald Trump. The failed former president couldn’t keep his mouth shut and sabotaged his own defense in the case. 

The lawsuit against Trump is a big deal because he is likely to be the only 2024 presidential candidate who is being sued for rape.

Trump is facing a ton of criminal liability. Carroll’s lawsuit is civil, but it is important because, as she put it this lawsuit is for every woman that has been assaulted, harassed, and dragged through the mud by a powerful man.

Trump has been dragging Carroll through the mud for years after she came forward and accused Donald Trump of rape. Her lawsuit has the potential to get some degree of justice for the dozens of women who have accused Trump of sexual assault and misconduct over the years.

Carroll’s lawsuit won’t matter to Republican voters, but if a civil court finds that Trump raped E. Jean Carroll, the GOP will literally have a rapist at the top of their ticket, which would effectively doom the entire party in 2024.

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