Election Integrity Alaska: Joe Miller, Who Once Defeated Murkowski, on Ranked Choice Voting: “STAY FAR AWAY!”


As soon as upon a time again in 2010, candidate Joe Miller ran for US Senate towards incumbent RINO Lisa Murkowski.  Joe Miller defeated Murkowski within the GOP primary, solely to mysteriously lose to her in a “write in” marketing campaign within the basic election.  The outcomes, as Joe contests, have been questionable.  The Gateway Pundit covered this story back in 2010, together with the obvious collusion by native “journalists” from KTVA to publish false or deceptive tales about Joe Miller to discourage Alaskans from voting for him.

On Saturday, Miller sat down with Brannon Howse to debate election points in Alaska.  That video could be seen here.

Proper on the 5:00 mark, Howse asks Miller if he has any ultimate feedback.  Miller then unwinds on Ranked Selection Voting.  The Gateway Pundit coated an explosive story from Challenge Veritas on Murkowski’s secret help of Ranked Selection Voting (RCV).  And because of RCV, we noticed Sara Palin are available in second place to a democrat after splitting votes with a fellow Republican, who will even be hemorrhaging votes from Palin within the basic election towards the only Democrat.

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