Elon Musk Shares Results of Twitter Poll on the $1.7 Trillion Spending Bill


Elon Musk put up a Twitter poll this past week to give users on Twitter an opportunity to vote on whether the $1.7 trillion spending bill should pass.

The poll results were released and more than 71% of those voting preferred that the bill not pass.

Musk shared his own opinion on the bill:

I’m in favor of a small spending bill to keep things running, but common sense suggests that it be the least amount required through the holidays.

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Railroading through a giant spending bill that almost no one has read is unlikely to be in the best interests of the people.

Musk then made it a point to share the results with Uniparty Senators Schumer and McConnell noting that Twitter users are “overwhelmingly against the giant spending bill.”

Musk also responded to Senators Sinema and Tester on whether Senator Mike Lee’s tweet was corrupt:

An amendment by Sens Sinema & Tester is designed to ensure a porous border. A wolf in sheep’s clothing to mislead the American people to believe Dems are doing something to secure our borders. It merely provides them cover to vote against my extension of Title 42 protections.

The US is in a mess. We need new management and any criminals in this management should go to jail. 

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