EPIC! Project Omega Sends Letter to Georgia’s Secretary of State and Announces the “Raffensperger Challenge” in Honor of His Defense of the ERIC Voter Roll System


On Thursday Omega for America founder, Jay Valentine sent a letter to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

Omega for America currently processes the largest accumulation of voter records in America today. Project Omega is working with voter integrity teams in several states to help expose phantom voters on the voter rolls.

The Gateway Pundit has reported for over a year now on the ERIC voter roll system that is used in 32 27 states. The system was originally promoted as a tool to clean up voter rolls. It is anything but that.

For example, Wisconsin is an ERIC State and has over 7 million registered voters in a state with less than 4 million eligible voters. The Wisconsin state election leader Sarah Whitt was hired by ERIC after performing such exemplary work in Wisconsin.

Obviously, ERIC is not working. The ERIC system is obsolete, inefficient, and has failed in its purpose. The Democrat party apparatus loves it for some reason.

The ERIC system is now used in dozens of states despite the fact that voter rolls in those states are more bloated with phantom voters than ever before in US history.

Last year The Gateway Pundit reported on the ERIC Systems in a series of articles and follow-up reports.

These articles have gone viral and are being passed on to state officials.

** ERIC Part 1: Who’s “Cleaning” Our Voter Rolls? ERIC Now in 31 States
** ERIC Part 2: Largest U.S. Counties Removed ZERO to TWO Ineligible Voters
** ERIC Part 3: The Founding of the Nation’s Largest Voter Roll Clean-up Operation
** ERIC Part 4: A Response to the Panicked Media Attacks

And our message is resonating. Since our original reporting, thousands of grassroots activists have called their Secretary of State’s office and demanded they look into the ERIC system.

And recently FIVE states pulled out of the ERIC system including Alabama, Louisiana, Florida, Missouri and West Virginia.

Recently Brad Raffensperger, the controversial Georgia Secretary of State, defended the ERIC System in an Atlanta Civic Circle article on the failed voter roll system that is still used in over two dozen states.

“Maintaining accurate voter rolls protects the integrity of our elections. Systems like ERIC … help prevent people from being registered in and trying to vote in multiple states,” he said of the formerly obscure multi-state partnership that’s been politicized by right-wing media.

On Thursday Jay Valentine sent a letter to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and invited him to a “voter roll challenge.”

Valentine did not hold back in his letter announcing the proposed “Raffensperger challenge:”

You have a long, documented history of attacking any challenge with descriptors like “extremist.” Thus, we want to educate you about what is now available in voter roll analysis – from the technology perspective – to fight back against the massive voter roll ignorance you are espousing.

We are announcing the Raffensperger Challenge.

This is an educational initiative to demonstrate, for any ERIC–using state – just how dirty its voter rolls are.

We want to give you the credit for this innovative introduction to how voter rolls are not only “not cleaned” by ERIC, but in fact are extraordinarily dirty after ERIC applies its work.

The Raffensperger Challenge is as follows: the Omega team will engage with any state where an election integrity team invites us – we will take their voter roll after it is “cleaned” by ERIC.

We will ingest the property tax rolls for that state – a county or two – to demonstrate whether the ERIC-cleaned voter rolls reconcile with the property tax rolls…

…In your honor, we are dedicating this process, going forward as the Raffensperger Challenge.

We will demonstrate, for active election integrity teams, the comparison of property tax rolls – maintained by those entities’ tax authority with their voter rolls – cleaned by ERIC.

If a state’s property tax rolls tell a different story than its voter rolls, it means one of the two is incorrect. I think you, Brad, would agree.

Property tax rolls are the heart and soul of a county’s revenue. Counties have people who drive around daily making sure if anyone builds a lean-to on the vacant lot, it is taxed properly. Thus, Brad, tax rolls are the gold standard for data integrity.

As we do this from state to state, and publish the results, we will keep you informed.

Read the full letter below that was released to The Gateway Pundit today.

Project Omega Sends Open Letter to SOS Brad Raffensperger for Voter Roll Challenge by Jim Hoft on Scribd

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