EU Agrees for Reparations for Third World Dictators AND CHINA (VIDEO)


On Saturday global elites announced a last-minute deal on a landmark agreement to transfer nearly a trillion dollars of wealth from Western developed nations to poor African dictators and China in the name of global warming.

It is likely to be the greatest transfer of wealth in human history next to the US transfer of its manufacturing base to China in the last 20 years.

The agreement was promoted by John Kerry at the globalist COP27 talks in Cairo, Egypt.

Western elites believe the US and Western nations are to blame for hurricanes, floods, drought, and tornadoes.

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They’re using global warming to destroy America.

Via Steve Bannon on GETTR.

Bloomberg reported:

The COP27 climate talks in Egypt, which had appeared close to collapse on Saturday morning, edged toward a last-minute deal after progress on a landmark agreement to pay poorer countries for harm caused by global warming.

The proposal would establish a new fund next year for the cost of climate disasters. As talks continued into the evening, negotiators were focused on language that would meet European demands for tougher action on mitigating climate change. But a group of countries, including Saudi Arabia, Brazil and China, were pushing back on strengthening the text, delegates said.

Hundreds of officials are closeted in closed-door negotiations trying to find a text that will satisfy almost 200 nations before ministers start heading home after two weeks of talks. A final version will then be taken to an open plenary session for a final sign off.

“I’m cautiously optimistic at this point,” said Norwegian Energy Minister Espen Barth Eide.

On Saturday morning Steve Bannon invited on energy consultant Dave Walsh to discuss this insane and dangerous proposal.

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