FBI Is Creating False Narrative Reclassifying J6 Cases as Domestic Terrorism and Moving Agents Off of Child Sex Abuse Cases


Earlier right now Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) launched info from a brand new FBI whistleblower.

In response to the most recent whistleblower, the FBI is transferring brokers off of kid sexual abuse investigations to as an alternative pursue political investigations.

The whistleblower says the FBI is making a false narrative by reclassifying Jan. 6 circumstances as separate situations of “home terrorism.”

By way of the Home Judiciary GOP: The FBI whistleblower described how a “manipulative” observe by the FBI overstates the “home violent extremism” (DVE) menace nationwide by categorizing Jan 6-related circumstances as originating in area workplaces across the nation moderately than “stemming from a single, black swan incident” in Washington, D.C.

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By no means Overlook: The FBI is NOT your buddy. The FBI is your enemy.

On Monday night time Rep. Jim Jordan joined Tucker Carlson to debate the most recent corruption from contained in the halls of the FBI.

Rep. Jordan advised Tucker the agent says the FBI is cooking the books and making it appear to be there are circumstances everywhere in the nation when the circumstances are all from the one black swan occasion on January 6, 2021, on the US Capitol.

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