Flashback: Biden’s New Chief of Staff Was Figure Behind COVID ‘Winter of Death’ Conspiratorial Warnings


President Joe Biden’s new pick for Chief of Staff is a firm believer in COVID vaccines, and appears to be the main figure behind Biden’s warning those that remained unvaccinated last year would face a ‘winter of death.’

Biden’s current COS, Ron Klain, is set to step down from his post in the coming weeks, as the President has been facing mounting criticism over his classified document scandal.

ABC News is reporting that Jeff Zients, who served as the White House COVID-19 response coordinator, will be filling the role.

Sources told the outlet that Zients was being touted for the position due to his work with the government’s pandemic response, “particularly with vaccine distribution.”

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Biden Pick for Chief of Staff Warned of ‘Winter of Death’ For Unvaccinated

In selecting Jeff Zients, President Biden is rewarding an individual who spread misinformation and was a proponent of forced vaccination.

In what is an embarrassing video in retrospect, here is Zients sending a message to those people who got their many vaccines and boosters as having “done the right thing” while simultaneously scolding those who refused and warning them they faced the dreaded ‘winter of death.’

“We are intent on not letting Omicron disrupt work and school for the vaccinated. You’ve done the right thing, and we will get through this,” Zients said at a press briefing last December.

“For the unvaccinated, you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm.”

Radio host Clay Travis shared a clip of Zients’ comments and denounced his promotion to Chief of Staff for the White House.

“The most incompetent and flat-out wrong left-wingers keep getting promoted,” he wrote. “It’s shameful.”

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COVID Forever

Zients’ dire prediction, echoed by President Biden himself, never came to fruition.

In fact, just four months later and the ‘winter of death’ for the unvaccinated had shifted onto the backs of those who had gotten the vaccine and/or the myriad of boosters being hyped by the administration.

Since April of 2022 through at least August of 2022, vaccinated individuals have represented the majority – about 60% – of the deaths from COVID in America, according to data from the CDC.

I conducted a diligent search to locate an apology from Zients for making such a wild claim, but have yet to locate one.

That said, having someone so adept at lying to the American people will prove handy for the administration.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) earlier this month officially renewed the ongoing public health emergency for the COVID-19 pandemic.

They did so despite the fact that President Biden “declared” the pandemic over roughly six months ago.

Just last week Biden’s Department of Justice went before a federal court to argue in favor of mask mandates on public transportation.

Zients has also previously pushed for private employers to follow President Biden’s “lead on vaccination mandates.”

Forced masking. Forced vaccination. And now a promotion.

The Biden administration in a nutshell.

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