Flashback: Gavin Newsom Shipped Homeless People Out of San Francisco With ‘One-Way Tickets’


Governor Gavin Newsom sent a letter to Merrick Garland on Thursday requesting the Legal professional Basic look into “kidnapping” expenses for these concerned in Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ effort to ship unlawful immigrants to Martha’s Winery.

But when delivery folks out of state to try to give them a greater life quantities to “kidnapping,” Newsom has some explaining to do.

In July of 2019, SFist published an article critiquing a program referred to as ‘Homeward Sure,’ an effort initiated by Newsom as mayor of San Francisco in 2004.

This system paid for bus tickets out of city, presumably with the vacation spot being to family and friends prepared to take the homeless particular person in.

SFist, nevertheless, described it as a program with a pleasant title which masks the truth that it “offers unsheltered San Franciscans a one-way Greyhound bus ticket out of city and asks them to please by no means come again.”

RELATED: Gavin Newsom Requests DOJ Pursue ‘Kidnapping’ Charges For DeSantis After He Moves Illegal Immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard

New York Metropolis Did It Too

Like San Francisco, New York Metropolis has been kidnapping delivery the homeless off their streets and out of city as effectively.

A report from KUTV 2 Information in 2019 in Salt Lake Metropolis claims people filling up Utah’s homeless shelters had been coming from town that by no means sleeps.

That report was based mostly on a New York Post article which contends then-mayor Invoice de Blasio was sharing “its homeless disaster with each nook of America” and doing so with out informing officers within the receiving areas what they have been doing.

The Put up additionally notes that in contrast to DeSantis, who’s using a budget that earmarked $12 million to move “unauthorized aliens” out of state, De Blasio was utilizing taxpayer-funded packages to the tune of $89 million to pay their hire to remain within the new location.

RELATED: Florida Gov. DeSantis Joins Abbott, Sends Two Planes of Illegal Immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard

They Need DeSantis and Abbott Charged With Human Trafficking

Odd how these sanctuary cities and their politicians are actually outraged that purple state governors are delivery those that aren’t merely homeless – however don’t legally have a proper to be within the nation – to their little sanctuaries.

A rudimentary search on Google signifies that neither Newsom nor de Blasio had been charged with kidnapping.

Regardless of that historical past, liberals have stumbled upon their newest ridiculous speaking level – DeSantis and Abbott are responsible of kidnapping, and even “human trafficking.”

Numerous blue-check Twitter personalities acquired the memo and made the identical ridiculous expenses time and again.

There was no outrage when Newsom shipped homeless folks out of San Francisco. There was no rabid response when de Blasio did the identical. And when President Biden was flying unlawful immigrants across the country – crickets from the Democrats and their media lapdogs.

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