Former ‘RussiaGate’ FBI Agent Peter Strzok Says January 6 Was Far Worse Than 9/11


Peter Strzok, the former FBI agent fired by the bureau in 2018 after leading the investigation into Russiagate, claims the January 6 riot at the Capitol was far worse than anything that happened on 9/11.

The outlandish and reprehensible comments came about during an interview with MSNBC on Monday.

Host Nicolle Wallace fed Strzok with her own assessment, claiming the Capitol Riot was the “deadliest attack on the U.S. Capitol in our, you know, in history.”

It took little effort for Strzok to take that cue and immediately trivialized the deaths of nearly 3,000 Americans.

“I think that’s right, and I think if you look at the scale in terms of a threat to democracy – I mean, 9/11 was a tragedy,” he began.

“We lost thousands of lives in a horrific way, we still mourn to this day, but when you look at something that is an attack on democracy, something that could actually bring about a fundamental change to American governance as we understand it – 9/11 is nothing compared to January 6.”

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Peter Strzok Continues to Equate January 6 to 9/11

Not content to suggest a riot on January 6 which led to the killing of one protester at the hands of a Capitol Police officer is somehow worse than a multi-pronged terrorist attack that killed thousands at landmarks in both New York City and Washington, D.C., the ex-FBI agent expanded on his thoughts.

Peter Strzok suggested those involved in the Capitol riot need to be pursued at the same level as those involved in the 9/11 attack.

“FBI and the rest of the government, if they are not only on the same sort of war footing that they were on in the weeks and months and years after 9/11, shame on everyone,” he said.

“This is a far greater threat to our constitutional democracy than anything we’ve faced in the past 20 or more years,” Strzok added. “We need to be addressing it the same way.”

RELATED: Kamala Harris Equates January 6 To Pearl Harbor, 9/11 – Here’s The Problem With That

The Left Believes This Utter Nonsense

As absurd as Peter Strzok’s claim that January 6 was far worse than 9/11 might be, it’s actually on par with the thinking of many prominent leftists.

Hillary Clinton and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi both pushed for an investigation on an equal ‘war footing’ by demanding a 9/11-style commission to investigate the Capitol riot.

Last year, Lincoln Project co-founder Steve Schmidt inexplicably claimed the Capitol riot on January 6th was “profoundly more dangerous” than 9/11 and “likely to kill a lot more Americans.”

Republican Representative Adam Kinzinger was ready to take his gun to Trump supporters on January 6 and later compared the select committee to the heroes of Flight 93 who fought back against terrorists on 9/11.

And Vice President Kamala Harris, in a speech on the anniversary of the January 6 riot, compared the incident to other dates that “echo throughout history” such as Pearl Harbor and 9/11.

Strzok was fired from the FBI after several text messages to his mistress, former FBI lawyer Lisa Page, showed an explicit bias against the then-sitting President, Donald Trump.

A termination letter by then-FBI deputy director David Bowdich, recently released by President Biden’s Department of Justice, backs his firing.

“As I considered all the known facts associated with the adjudication of your case it was difficult to imagine another incident like yours which brought so much discredit to the organization,” Bowdich wrote.

So naturally, Strzok is now an “expert” on MSNBC.

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