George Santos Claims The Republican Party Forced Him To Lie


Rep. George Santos (R-NY) now claims that he never meant to trick voters, but he had to lie to get accepted by the Republican Party.


Santos said, “What I try to convey to the American people is I made mistakes of allowing the pressures of what I thought needed to be done. This wasn’t about tricking anybody. This wasn’t about tricking the people. This was about getting accepted by the party here locally.”

George Santos is claiming that the Republican Party made him lie because they would not accept him if he told the truth, so he didn’t lie to the voters. He lied to the Republican Party.

None of this explains George Santos’s life of lying, which predates his entry into politics. George Santos has a long history of lying, and the lies did not begin when he got into politics.

Santos’s comments to Piers Morgan revealed he has no intention of showing remorse or resigning. Since Kevin McCarthy lacks the courage to hold an expulsion vote on Santos, the disgrace to the House is going to continue to serve his term unless he is convicted of a crime and put behind bars.

The Republican Party made me do it is a new excuse. It is also not true. House Republicans are stuck with Santos. Unless Kevin McCarthy finds his spine, the New York congressman isn’t going anywhere.


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