Georgia First Day of Early Voting Smashes Midterm Record


It is a maxim known around the country. The more people who vote, the better for Democrats. There is a reason Republicans hit voter I.D. hard, took away opportunities like “Souls to the Polls,” and other means to make voting easy. Democrats tend to have a disadvantage in the mid-terms (very generally) because fewer people vote overall. But from this morning’s announcement of the first day of early voting in Georgia, a record number of people voted. This is a great sign.

From The Atlanta Journal-Constitution:

The first day of early voting in Georgia set a new midterm turnout record, with nearly 123,000 in-person voters casting their ballots, an early sign of strong interest in this year’s elections.

*From Tuesday’s Morning Joe, the number has been updated to 131,000.

Turnout on Monday far exceeded the last midterms in 2018, when about 71,000 people showed up at the start of early voting, according to state election data.

The fast start put Georgia on pace to surpass the 3.9 million voters who cast ballots four years ago, though turnout appears unlikely to reach the 5 million voters who participated in the 2020 presidential election.

Of course, a lot of Republicans jumped on this first day. The Senate and gubernatorial races are hotly contested and have the nation’s attention. But again, the maxim will hold. The more people who vote, the better for Democrats.

It is interesting. Michael Moore was one of the few who accurately predicted a Trump victory in 2016, and he made the prediction very early in the race. Just seven days ago, Moore predicted a “blue tsunami,” largely based on a heavy voter turnout not factored into most polls and predictions. From the Washington Examiner:

The 68-year-old outspoken leftist believes voters will “descend upon the polls en masse — a literal overwhelming, unprecedented tsunami of voters — and nonviolently, legally, and without mercy remove every last stinking traitor to our Democracy,” according to a report on

At least in Georgia, the voters are descending to the polls en masse in an unprecedented number. And the more people vote, the more the dynamic favors the Democrats.

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