Giorgia Meloni Blasts France’s Exploitation of Poor, African Countries


In September, Giorgia Meloni was elected as Italy’s first female and populist leader.

The Italian Prime Minister has been brutalized by the European press and wrongly labeled as far-right and a fascist.

The PM has not shied away, however,  from boldly addressing the globalist cabal’s agenda and doesn’t mind ruffling feathers.

In a one of her speeches that is making the rounds from 2019, Meloni shared her views on God, Honor, Country: President Ronald Reagan, Pope John Paul II, and the Freedom of Nations – A National Conservatism Conference in Rome, Italy – February 3, 2020.

“Our main enemy today is the globalist drift of those who view identity and all its forms to be an evil to overcome.  And constantly ask to shift real power away from the people to supernational entities headed by supposedly enlightened elites.”

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“Let us be clear in our mind because we did not fight against and defeat communism in order to replace it with a new international regime, but to permit independent nation states once again to defend the freedom, identity, and sovereignty of their peoples,” she said.

You can watch the full video from 2019 here.

Meloni’s government has triggered many European countries with her approach to illegal immigration, having refused safe port to ships in the Mediterranean Sea carrying illegal migrants.

Sky News host Rita Panahi shared parts of the 2019 interview saying, “She said the solution is not to take the Africans and bring them to Europe, the solution is to free Africa from certain Europeans who exploit it. The left who pretend to care about poor people and the flood of illegal, economic migrants into Europe should be making that precise same argument, instead of making people smugglers rich and painting anyone who objects to illegal immigration as racist.”

In the appearance, Meloni says, “This is a child who works in a gold mine in Burkina Faso. Burkina Faso is one of the poorest nations in the world. France prints colonial money for Burkina Faso which has gold.”

“In return, they demand 50% of everything that Burkina Faso….exports end up in the coffers of the French treasury.”

“The gold that this child goes down a tunnel to extract mostly ends up in the coffers of the French state.”

“So the solution is not to take the Africans and bring them to Europe. The solution is to free Africa from certain Europeans who exploit it and allow these people to live off what they have.”

After sharing the clip, Panahi exclaims, “Sweet Mary Mother of God that woman is magnificent.”


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