GOP Chairwoman Releases Weak Statement but Won’t Mention Trump by Name After Democrats Announce Plans to Arrest Leading GOP Presidential Contender


What a farce the Republican Party has become. Their weakness plays right into the collapse of our civil liberties our economy and our civilization.

Democrats are pushing a Communist hell on America with street crime soaring, inflation at dangerous levels, a banking system near collapse, and stolen elections where their candidates are so sure of their selection that they no longer bother to debate. And we have a GOP that refuses to engage or even speak out.

We are losing our country while the Republican Party kneels to the DNC mob.

President Trump announced today he will be arrested on Tuesday and charged by a Soros-funded New York official.

GOP Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel tweeted this:

Ronna Romney McDaniel: From his “Day One” memo, the radical Manhattan DA has made no secret his priority is pursuing his far-left agenda no matter the costs. Major crimes are up 22% in NYC but he is outrageously using his office for political vengeance instead of keeping Americans safe.

This is all the GOP can offer.

They will not support you.

It’s time we all realize this.

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