GOP Reps Push Bill to Ban China from Purchasing Land in the US


In recent years China has been able to purchase large sections of land in the US.  Two GOP Representatives are pushing a bill to prevent China from purchasing land in the US.

TGP reported that China has been purchasing land across the country and no one is stopping them.

Instead of holding China accountable for the COVID nightmare, the US is allowing China to purchase land and often times it’s in very sensitive areas.

TGP reported, for example, that China was purchasing land near Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.  This clearly is a very strategic location for the US military.

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China and billionaire Bill Gates both purchased property in North Dakota.  This property happens to be near a US air base.

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America finally has good news on this front.

Two GOP Reps are standing for America.

The Daily Caller reported:

Two Republican members of Congress introduced a bill Thursday that would prohibit nonresident aliens, companies and other entities associated with the Chinese government from buying agricultural land in the U.S.

Washington Reps. Cathy McMorris Rodgers and Dan Newhouse’s Prohibition of Agricultural Land for the People’s Republic of China Act would also ban those interests’ participation in U.S. Agriculture Department (USDA) programs beyond food safety inspections, according to her press release. Chinese foreign investors held more than 191,000 acres of U.S. agricultural and non-agricultural land in 2019, the USDA indicated.

Grand Forks, North Dakota, Mayor Brandon Bochenski announced an effort Tuesday to stop China’s Fufeng Group from building a corn mill on 370 acres purchased in his city not far from Grand Forks Air Force Base, according to The Wall Street Journal. Bochenski and other local leaders had celebrated the project when the Fufeng Group’s decision to build in Grand Forks was publicized in 2021, but Air Force Assistant Secretary Andrew Hunter said Jan. 27 the Defense Department believed it presented “a significant threat to national security,” the WSJ reported.

Will the Democrats go along with this sensible bill for national security or will they side with Fang Fang?

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