Happy Thanksgiving to Brian Kolfage and All Our American Military Heroes


Brian Kolfage is an American war hero who fights for America overseas and at home.   We are grateful for all our military heroes and families this Thanksgiving. 

From Brian’s website:

While on his second deployment for Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2004, Senior Airman Kolfage found himself at the center of an extraordinary set of circumstances. On September 11, 2004, after working a night shift at Balad Air Base in Iraq, he awoke in the afternoon, left his tent to get some water, and walked about 25 feet when the airbase came under a surprise rocket attack.

In the chaos, a 107mm rocket shell exploded about three feet from Brian. He was thrown several feet in the air and landed against a wall of sandbags. Still conscious after the blast, he began calling for help.

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One of Brian’s closest friends at the base was thrown from his bed during the attack. Miraculously, despite the noise of the rockets, he heard Brian’s screams and rushed outside to find his friend bloody, mangled, and clinging to life. He called for a medic and rushed to help Brian, who was struggling to breathe after one of his lungs had collapsed.

Brian lost both his legs and his right arm on that day.  But this didn’t stop him.  Brian went on to graduate in 2014 from the University of Arizona’s School of Architecture.

In 2011, Brian was married and now has two beautiful children.

Then in 2018, Brian founded We Build the Wall, a 501(c)(4) organization dedicated to building private sections of the wall along the U.S. – Mexico border. The organization completed two construction sections of the wall and aimed to build a total of 100 miles of wall along the border.

But then the state of New York stepped in.  Although nowhere near the Southern Border, the DOJ in New York brought charges against Brian, Steve Bannon and two other men behind the We Build the Wall effort.

One morning Brian woke up to at least five cars, all with New York state plates outside his house. Out came 15 USPIS agents, armed and ready.

Multiple vehicles appeared and some raced down Kolfage’s drive and agents got out. Then a half dozen or so agents exited their cars from the street and marched down his driveway toward his house.

When the agents went into the house, they searched all over, including in the children’s rooms.  They asked Kolfage about his guns, how many, and their characteristics.  They allowed Kolfage to only take his medications with him and then took Kolfage outside while his two children huddled in their room with fear.  What happened next likely violated numerous articles of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Once outside the 15 agents dragged triple-amputee war hero Brian Kolfage with one good arm and no legs into their arrest vehicle!  Not one of the 15 USPIS agents even considered providing a vehicle that was wheelchair accessible for their arrest of triple-amputee war hero Kolfage.  

Eventually, Brian took a plea to end the attack from the government.  But this hasn’t stopped Brian from watching over his family and charging forward in efforts to bring truth to the nation.

On Friday, May 6, 2022, Brian was notified that Representative Paul Gosar from Arizona entered into the Congressional Record a statement denouncing the treatment of American hero and veteran, airman Brian Kolfage.

See the statement below:

This Thanksgiving we salute Brian Kolfage and all our military heroes and their families. 

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