House Democrats Outraged and Screaming ‘Racism’ Over Texas Congressman Questioning Rep. Judy Chu’s Loyalty to US


House Democrats are outraged and screaming “racism” after Texas Rep. Lance Gooden questioned Rep. Judy Chu’s loyalty to the United States.

Rep. Chu previously defended Dominic Ng, the CEO of East West Bank in California, who was accused of working with the Chinese Communist Party.

While appearing on Wednesday’s episode of “Jesse Watters Primetime” on Fox News, Rep. Gooden expressed his concern about Chu’s access to confidential materials and said that she “needs to be called out.”

“I question her either loyalty or competence,” Gooden said. “If she doesn’t realize what’s going on, then she’s totally out of touch with one of her core constituencies. I’m really disappointed and shocked that someone like Judy Chu would have a security clearance and be entitled to confidential intelligence briefings until this is figured out.”

Gooden said that he thinks “everyone that’s standing up for China’s Communist Party should be looked into.”

Chu is currently the chair of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Business Advisory Council after being appointed by Biden last year.

In a statement responding to Gooden, Chu claimed that she was the victim of anti-Asian racism.

“Rep. Gooden’s comments on Fox News questioning my loyalty to the USA is absolutely outrageous,” said Chu, the first Chinese American woman elected to Congress. “It is based on false information spread by an extreme, right-wing website. Furthermore, it is racist. I very much doubt that he would be spreading these lies were I not of Chinese American descent.”

Chu and other members of the Asian Pacific American Caucus, Democrat Reps. Grace Meng, Ted Lieu, and Mark Takano also responded to the comments in a joint statement.

“As with every presidential appointee, Dominic Ng, who is Chinese American, has undergone an extensive vetting process and sworn an oath to support and defend the Constitution and serve the American public,” they said. “No Chinese Americans—indeed no Americans—should face suspicions of disloyalty or treason based on their ethnicity, nation of origin, or that of their family members.”

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries also issued a statement on Thursday.

“Lance Gooden’s slanderous accusation of disloyalty against Rep. Chu is dangerous, unconscionable and xenophobic,” Jefferies said. “Congressman Gooden appears to sympathize with violent insurrectionists and spreads big lies to the American people, having voted not to certify the election of President Joe Biden. Look in the mirror, Lance. You have zero credibility.”

Jeffries continued, “Extreme MAGA Republicans in the House are focused on peddling baseless conspiracy theories, gutting Social Security and undermining democracy at every turn. Each day brings a new example proving that these extremists have no interest in solving problems for everyday Americans.”

Gooden responded to the backlash by tweeting, “Any Democrat opposing a full investigation into Ng is either incompetent or disloyal. Stand up to China or stand up for America. You can’t do both.”

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