In 2022 New Zealand Recorded Its Largest Increase in Deaths in a Century


New Zealand recorded its largest increase in deaths in a century. 

The New Zealand Herald reports:

New Zealand has recorded the largest increase in the number of registered deaths since the 1918 influenza pandemic, new data from Stats NZ shows.

The births and deaths figures, for the year ending December 2022, show there were 38,574 deaths in 2022, 10.4 per cent (3642) more than in 2021.

This increase – attributed to Covid-19 and an ageing population – is the biggest year-on-year jump since the 55.4 per cent (5835) spike in deaths following the 1918 flu pandemic.

But something isn’t quite right with this report.  After showing the results the Herald is quick to attribute the rise in deaths to COVID-19.

The Herald shares the following chart showing the groups where the increase in deaths occurs. Of course, as we’ve known ever since actuarial tables were developed, the older people get, the greater the increase in mortality.  This is not new.

This chart shows that the increase in deaths in 2022 over 2021 is in the elderly.

What doesn’t make sense is this next chart.  This chart shows the number of deaths by week in New Zealand.  The chart indicates the normal weekly number of deaths in the country is around 623 deaths.

But look at the number of deaths attributed to COVID.  Do you notice anything odd?

COVID-19 was dropped in late 2019 which is why it is labeled COVID-19.  The world’s reaction when it was released in China was to push masks, lockdown businesses and close schools.  New Zealand went crazy with its reaction to COVID.

In late October of 2021, New Zealand instituted a strict vaccine mandate as reported at that time:

The New Zealand government has announced a new wide-ranging COVID-19 vaccine mandate, meaning around 40% of the workforce will now be required to have the jab.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said workers at any business that requires a vaccine certificate to enter must be fully vaccinated, which includes hospitality venues, hairdressers and gyms. Under the traffic light system which will come into place once health districts reach the 90% double-dose target, businesses will be able to operate without restrictions on capacity or social distancing. But they must abide by the government’s vaccine certificate system, which requires both customers and staff to be fully vaccinated.

“The more people who are vaccinated the safer we all are. That gives us options, and the ability to keep people safe without having to use some of the more blanket restrictions that we’ve used in the past,” Ardern said in a press conference on Tuesday.

COVID came in 2020.  In the chart above there appears to be no increase in the number of deaths in 2020.  In 2021 there was a slight increase but the largest increase is in 2022.  New Zealand began mandating vaccines in late 2021 for employment eligibility.

To suggest that the number of COVID deaths was minimal in 2020 and 2021 and suddenly increased in 2022 appears to be a misdiagnosis.  Timing alone proves this wrong.

An increase in deaths in New Zealand occurred after the COVID-19 vaccine mandate.  No wonder the crazy totalitarian leader of New Zealand, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, recently resigned.  She knows. 

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