Iran Regime Kidnaps, Rapes, Tortures and Kills 17-Year-Old Nika, Hides Her Body from Family


The Iranian regime kidnapped, torured, raped and killed Nika Shakarimi for protesting the loss of life of Mahsa Amini simply days earlier than Nika’s seventeenth birthday, opposition accounts on Twitter report. The Biden regime needs to ship billions of {dollars} to the fear regime.

“Journalists investigating the loss of life of 17 yr previous Iranian woman Nika Shakarimi have found by means of verified sources that she was kidnapped, sexually assaulted after which killed by the Islamic republic’s safety pressure”, wrote opposition account “Wealthy Children of Tehran”

“Her lifeless physique was forcibly buried by the safety forces and her members of the family reportedly have been arrested. Her household had been prohibited from taking their daughter’s physique for forensic investigations, the household is at the moment below heavy stress by the regime’s forces,” the account wrote.

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Journalist Darush Memar wrote that “I’ve been investigating the homicide of Nika Shakarimi for 3 days. Nika was kidnapped by plainclothes forces on Keshavarz Blvd. In accordance with the data I’ve from dependable sources, she was kidnapped and sexually assaulted. This crime is so surprising that I actually don’t know find out how to deal with it.”

Opposition leasder Masih Alinejad wrote that “#NikaShakarami 17, vanished through the protest. After every week, safety forces delivered her lifeless physique together with her nostril absolutely smashed & her cranium damaged from a number of blows.”

“On the night of Sept 20, Nika known as a pal on her manner residence & stated she had joined the protests & burned her scarf. She by no means made it residence. Her cellphone was turned off & her WhatsApp, Telegram & Instagram accounts had been deactivated. She was lacking for 10 days.”

“Her household visited Kahrizak jail, the place she was held, thrice with out discovering her. They put up a lacking advert. On Sep 30, her physique was handed over to her household with a smashed nostril and damaged cranium. She was recognized by a birthmark.”

“She was alleged to be buried in a cemetery in KhoramAbad however safety forces kidnapped her physique & buried her in Veysian village 22 miles away. She was buried on her seventeenth birthday on Oct 3. “Congrats on changing into a martyr” her mom says.”

Nika’s aunt Atash Shahkarami wrote on Twitter “I invite you to Nika’s final birthday. Let Nika’s loss of life be the beginning of 1000’s and 1000’s of courageous Nikas”.

Her aunt and uncle have allegedly been arrested.



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