IT GETS WORSE: After Purging His Opponent’s Supporters, The Only Candidates in Racine County Wisconsin GOP Election Are Speaker Vos Lackeys – Including His Wife


In Racine County Wisconsin, the GOP is purging itself of individuals who supported the opponent to Speaker Robin Vos in last year’s primary.  This Saturday the county GOP will vote on leadership for the upcoming year.  Not surprisingly, the candidates running are all reportedly Vos lackeys, including his wife. 

On Thursday, TGP reported that the Racine County GOP was purging individuals from its ranks who had supported the opponent to Speaker Vos in last year’s primary.  Also, new members who supported his opponent Adam Steen in the 2022 primary are refused membership in the party.

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This weekend the Racine GOP is holding an election for its leaders for the next year.  The candidates are all Speaker Vos lackeys.

The Racine County GOP board has selected their line-up of nominees for board candidates. No other candidates are allowed to be nominated from the floor because they weren’t ”approved” by the current board first at least 5 days before caucus.

The following information was provided to TGP from a local GOP member:

  • Andrew Docksey is a big donor to RCRP his wife is an elected official in Racine.
  • Robert Jensen, filed two frivolous ethics complaint against fellow Racine County GOP member and candidate running against Vos, Adam Steen.
  • Brian Fliss, elected official who endorsed Robin Vos.
  • Elizabeth Wellner, her son worked for Vos’ campaign and she was paid $400 by Vos’ campaign this election cycle.
  • Michelle Wheelock Litjens Vos, Robin Vos’ third wife.
  • Roseanne Kuemmel, is Robin Vos’ first mother in law.
  • William McReynolds, Robin Vos’ business partner and owner of Premier Solutions in Racine to which Vos paid over $12,450 this last election cycle.
  • Marlo Brown, elected official and Vos donor
  • Erik VanDyke, Andrew and Ally Docksey’s cousin donated $600 to RCRP
  • Max Hynek, Senator Van Wanggaard’s nephew. For anyone that isn’t aware Van Wanggaard is Senator for the 21st Senate District.

This is the proposed GOP leadership in Racine, Wisconsin.  This is the why the GOP in Wisconsin is in trouble.  It’s not working for the people.  It’s working for GOP leadership.

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