J6 GULAG PRISONER: “THERE’S MORE ON EPPS – I know where to find it!” It’s time to RELEASE THE 44,000 HOURS and let Citizen Journalists get the facts straight!


Jan 6 pretrial prisoner Sean McHugh says it’s time to release the tapes. 

McHugh has spent 22 months in jail waiting for trial and is ready to bring the truth to light.

Sean McHugh, pictured happy and healthy before his arrest and nearly two-year pretrial detention for January 6th.

Now that Tucker Carlson has produced his findings, the 44,000 hours of footage needs to be released to the public so citizen journalists can start combing through it.

Calling for the release in an interview from jail Thursday night, McHugh said that there is even more video of law enforcement pushing innocent women and elderly people down, shooting rubber bullets that left holes in people’s faces, and bloody scenes from officers’ pointblank violence.

“I know it’s kind of explicit, but these are the things that people need to have access to,” McHugh said.


Video has been withheld that even defendants do not know about,
like this gruesome one from Victoria White:


McHugh has access to sealed CCTV footage, but has still not been provided recordings taken from handheld camcorders police used that day—the contents of which are likely exculpatory.

He heads to trial in just five weeks.



***Release the tapes! Sign the petition here.

McHugh particularly wants the CCTV footage of Ray Epps to be made public.

(As previously reported, Epps brought McHugh and multiple others into the fray that day.)

Sealed footage McHugh has seen shows Epps forcefully shoving a large metal sign into a line of police officers—activity prosecutors have labeled a felony assault of an officer with a deadly weapon.

Anyone who touched the sign —“an enormous battering ram,” according to prosecutors— was denied bond and subject to lengthy prison sentences: Charles “Brad” Smith (41 months), Marshall Neefe (41 months), Thomas Hamner (30 months), Howard Richardson (46 months), Alan Byerly (34 months), Jose Padilla (held 25 months) and Jonathan Copeland.

Although many were trying to avoid being hit by it themselves, Epps clearly shoves the sign so hard that it knocks McHugh’s mom to the ground.

***Sean is raising funds for trial, donate if you can here

McHugh, seen in plaid backing away at the 11 second mark of this Twitter video, has been denied bond for two years with this charge while Epps walks free:

(As Epps shoves the sign from one side, McHugh’s mother
is knocked to the ground by it on the other)


“His body language is much different than my mother and I. We’re getting knocked over by the sign. My knees are not bent, I don’t have both hands on the sign, I’m not charging. I’m actually to the side of it, trying to prevent it from getting knocked over by him,” McHugh said.

Yet Epps, bizarrely “orchestrating it,” —twice breaching police lines, repeatedly urging others to commit crimes, and caught lying under oathgets a free pass.

***Sean can’t win without our support, help if you can here

“This guy knew there was going to be a pipe bomb that day… yet they’re not indicting him,” McHugh said about Epps in disbelief.



After two years of waiting in a nasty jail, time is running out for McHugh, who wants more footage released before his trial starts next month.

With prosecutors lying to the court, blaming upload errors, withholding evidence and more, defendants are relying more and more on citizen journalists who have already broken major stories despite limited access.

In the interview McHugh mentions Gary McBride, a citizen journalist whose investigative work has been invaluable to the Jan 6 defendants —most of whom have no investigator working for them at all, and rely on prosecutors to ethically fulfill their disclosure obligations. (Did you choke on your coffee when you read that?)

As a team, McBride and Gateway Pundit’s Cara Castronuova have broken several cases wide open surrounding the death of Rosanne Boyland, the discrepancies of Officer Fanone, and the whereabouts of Ray Epps —stories that would have been swept under the rug if it weren’t for their tenacious reporting.


McHugh’s April 17th trial looms with too many questions unanswered.

He is raising money to help bring his family to DC for his trial so that they can be with him. He hasn’t seen them since this all began two years ago.

Imagine being on trial in the fight of your life, looking out into courtroom, seeing no one and feeling so alone.

Please consider supporting Sean and his family by donating here.


Sean calls for a peaceful protest on Jan 6th:


Sean McHugh arrived at the Capitol on January 6 with every intention of participating in the electoral process of the country he loves. In a forthcoming report, video will show him jovial and peaceful until dangerous police crowd-control tactics come perilously close to his mom, who he tried to shield from much of the violence.

Sean two years into the indescribable hell of pretrial detention in the DC jail under the full weight of the DOJ, mustering a smile.


To support Sean in his fight of a lifetime, go here

To hear Sean’s full interview on Cowboy Logic, go here

To sign the petition to support the search for truth and release the footage to the public, go here 

Let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action. 1 John 3:18 

FYI —  The Gateway Pundit and 33 January 6 Defendants filed our official petition with Speaker McCarthy this week to release the tapes.

Gateway Pundit and 33 January 6 Defendants File Official Request with Speaker McCarthy for January 6 Government Footage


Kelly Wilde is an advocate for the January 6ers and contributor to C.A.P.P. (
Citizens Against Political Persecution, an organization founded by Cara Castronuova that fights for the political prisoners of January 6th). She maintains the site www.wearegoodmen.com, a place to get to know the Jan 6ers in their own words. To submit a tip, contact her at [email protected]

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