Jamie Raskin Calls Out MAGA GOP As Fascist On National Broadcast Television


Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) defined on CBS’s Face The Nation why MAGA is a fascist motion.


Transcript via Face The Nation:

MAJOR GARRETT: So, former President Trump says that MAGA Republicans are attempting to avoid wasting democracy, they need to be taken critically on this situation. So let’s evaluate what the previous president mentioned this week earlier. He mentioned the 2020 election ought to be rerun, or he ought to be reinstated in workplace, and that if reelected in 2024, he would offer apologies and full pardons to these charged and or convicted for storming the Capitol on January 6, consider that.

REP. RASKIN: Properly, first, if he’s saying that the election ought to be rerun, which is one thing he’s been asserting from the start, that’s completely exterior of the Structure. There isn’t a process for the army simply to grab the election equipment and run a brand new election, which is among the issues that his disgraced former Nationwide Safety Adviser Michael Flynn was pushing and we all know was a part of the January 6 plot. And look, greater than 60 courts rejected each declare of electoral fraud and corruption which Donald Trump superior. He’s had the good thing about greater than 60 courts, together with eight courts, the place he appointed the judges to workplace, have a look at all these claims, they usually had been all rejected. It was rejected within the states and he misplaced the election. Two of the hallmarks of a fascist political occasion are one, they don’t settle for the outcomes of elections that don’t go their manner and two, they embrace political violence. And I believe that’s why President Biden was proper to sound the alarm this week about these persevering with assaults on our constitutional order from the skin by Donald Trump and his motion.

Rep. Raskin is appropriate. Fascists don’t settle for election outcomes they usually use violence to take care of political energy.

President Biden’s speech about fighting for the soul of America did one thing essential. It acquired the nation speaking about fascism and the fascistic components of Trump’s MAGA and the Republican Occasion.

Trump’s fundraising and rally slogan isn’t save democracy. It’s save America, however Trump seems to need to “save America” by destroying democracy and making himself the chief of an authoritarian state, and Jamie Raskin known as it out.


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