Joe Biden Whispers and Mumbles Through Campaign-Style Speech in Minnesota While His Minions Work to Put Trump Behind Bars (VIDEO)


The Democrats used Covid as a cover to flood the country will tens of millions of mail-in ballots in order to install Joe Biden with post-Election Day ballot counting in 2020.

The Covid pandemic is over so the Democrats are using Soros-backed prosecutors to put Trump behind bars ahead of the 2024 election.

Trump is the 2024 Republican front-runner.

Joe Biden is unpopular and he’s just getting too old to keep a grueling schedule so his minions are working to put his political opponent behind bars.

This is the new America.

Biden traveled to Minnesota to deliver a campaign-style speech as Trump traveled to New York ahead of his arraignment.

Joe Biden lied about the current state of the economy and falsely claimed his policies have reduced the deficit.

Biden leaned forward and whispered: “I cut the deficit over two years by 1,700,000,000 dollars – more than any president has in the history of the United States of America.”

This is a brazen lie.

A judge will likely gag Trump and prevent him from campaigning while Joe Biden will be free to campaign where he will lie to the American people about his ‘accomplishments.’


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