John Fetterman Releases Letter From 109 Doctors Accusing Oz Of Bad Medical Practices


After the Oz marketing campaign criticized stroke victims, John Fetterman launched a letter from 109 Pennsylvania medical doctors accusing him of dangerous medical practices.

The medical doctors wrote in a letter offered to PoliticusUSA:

We the undersigned medical doctors write with critical concern relating to the candidacy of Dr. Mehmet Oz for Pennsylvania’s open U.S. Senate seat. As physicians, we strongly consider in evidence-based medication and sharing sincere well being data with the general public.

As a former daytime TV host, Dr. Oz exploited the hopes and fears of his viewers by selling unproven, ill-advised, and at occasions probably harmful therapies. He has made clear that he’ll put enriching himself above all else, even in situations the place folks’s well being is endangered.

Dr. Oz’s file of spreading misinformation and sharing factually incorrect medical recommendation on The Dr. Oz Present and in any other case is totally researched and nicely documented.

One 2014 study by the British Medical Journal found that half of the claims made on The Dr. Oz Present weren’t based mostly the truth is and researchers at Georgetown College discovered that greater than 75% of suggestions made on Dr. Oz’s present “didn’t align with evidence-based medical tips.” When referred to as earlier than Congress to reply for this misinformation, even Dr. Oz himself needed to admit that “oftentimes [the products I promote] don’t have the scientific muster to move as reality.”

Dr. Oz would even be one other vote to criminalize abortion and he has refused to sentence efforts to ban abortion in Pennsylvania, endangering the lives of ladies and individuals who can turn into pregnant. He has even stated that he opposes abortions in circumstances of rape or incest.

Dr. Oz additionally disseminated harmful misinformation all through the COVID-19 pandemic. He promoted and defended unproven and presumably harmful COVID-19 therapies similar to hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin when there wasn’t clear scientific consensus. He additionally stated that COVID-19 vaccines weren’t “true vaccines” like “basic childhood vaccines.” That is all deeply regarding.

In 2015, ten physicians, together with surgeons and professors, penned a letter to ​​Columbia’s Dean of Medication saying they had been “stunned and dismayed” that Dr. Oz was a school member on the college. The identical yr, eight Columbia college members printed an op-ed in USA In the present day calling out Dr. Oz for “deceptive the general public” and forcing physicians like themselves to spend “a major quantity of our medical time debunking Ozisms.” This yr, Columbia College determined to chop ties with the previous TV host.

As a TV movie star physician, Mehmet Oz has displayed a shameful disregard for medical science and the wellbeing of his viewers whereas he enriched himself on the expense of our sufferers. As physicians we take significantly our accountability for the well being and wellbeing of our sufferers.

John Fetterman believes that healthcare is a basic human proper, helps increasing entry to reasonably priced well being care, defending folks with preexisting situations, and would vote to codify Roe v. Wade into federal legislation. Defending the well being and wellbeing of our residents requires that we elect John Fetterman to the US Senate this November.


Physicians of Pennsylvania

The Oz marketing campaign can’t appear to go a day with out making a self-inflicted wound that prices them extra votes. The latest was an Oz campaign spokesperson claiming that John Fetterman had a stroke because he didn’t eat vegetables, which means that strokes are the fault of sufferers.

Mehmet Oz has a protracted historical past of giving dangerous and harmful recommendation whereas promoting scams and quack cures.

It seems that Oz is deliberately attempting to lose the Pennsylvania election to maintain the US Senate in Democratic palms.

Oz is shedding and attempting to make Fetterman’s stroke the main focus of the marketing campaign as a result of he doesn’t know sufficient about Pennsylvania or Pennsylvanians to speak in regards to the points that matter to them.


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