Judge Mehta Drops Frivolous Charges Against Roger Stone in DC Police Civil Suit


Yesterday the far-left Obama Judge overseeing the frivolous civil suit against Roger Stone and others by Capitol police dismissed Stone from the case. 

Here is the court order:

TRENDING: EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden’s Laptop Emails Reveal Another Crime – NEVER FILED a FARA Application yet Hunter Acted as Foreign Agent – Email Shows He Discussed Breaking FARA Laws

Order Dismissing Complaint 1-26-23 in Smith v Trump by Jim Hoft on Scribd

The corrupt Obama judge would not dismiss the same case against President Trump.   This is of course because he is an Obama judge and President Trump is their enemy in their attempts to destroy everything good about this country.

Roger Stone shared with us the following:

It’s pretty simple. All of the counts against me in the civil case were dismissed. I was not on the Ellipse and did not March to the Capitol.  I was not at the Capitol and any claim that I knew about, participated in, or condoned any illegal activity on January 6 is categorically false. The guilt-by-association campaign of the mainstream media has failed. That said, I am outraged by the lack of due process and the inhumane conditions in which the January 6 detainees are being kept.

Stone is blessed but he has incurred tens of thousands in attorney fees despite the win in this case alone.

You can help Roger by donating to the following StoneDefenseFund.com

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