JUST IN: Senate Votes 68-23 to End Covid Emergency


Three years later…

The Senate on Wednesday voted 68 to 23 to end the Covid emergency.

The House already passed the resolution 229-197.

Joe Biden is not expected to veto the resolution.

The Hill reported:

The Senate on Wednesday passed a GOP-led resolution that would end the COVID-19 national emergency that’s been in place since 2020.

The measure passed the upper chamber 68-23.

A similar resolution sponsored by Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) passed the Senate last year, but did not advance in the Democratically-controlled House. This year it passed the House 229-197, with 11 Democrats joining all Republicans.

President Biden last year threatened to veto the measure. This year, he did not threaten a veto but issued a statement of administration principles before the House vote objecting to the resolution.

On Wednesday, however, he said he would sign the measure.

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