Kamala Harris Ignores Reporter Asking About her Claims Hurricane Ian Relief will Prioritize ‘Communities of Color’ (VIDEO)


Kamala Harris over the weekend ignored a reporter asking about her racist promise to offer Hurricane Ian reduction to communities based mostly on race.

Harris stated assets and catastrophe reduction in response to Hurricane Ian must be based on equity.

Ft. Myers was destroyed by the 9.5 foot surge and flooding.

Governor DeSantis described the harm as that of a 500-year flood after a 9+ foot surge in Fort Myers.

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Somewhat than displaying true management and reassuring all victims of Hurricane Ian they’ll obtain the assistance and assets wanted to rebuild their lives, Harris made it about race.

“It’s our lowest earnings communities and our communities of shade which can be most impacted by these excessive situations and impacted by points that aren’t of their very own making,” Harris stated. “And so we have now to handle this in a manner that’s about giving assets based mostly on fairness, understanding that we combat for equality, however we additionally have to combat for fairness, understanding not everybody begins out on the similar place.

“And if we wish folks to be in an equal place, typically we have now to keep in mind these disparities and do this work,” Harris continued.

Harris obtained main backlash for her racist promise.

FEMA Administrator needed to clarify Harris’ remarks on Sunday.

“We’re going to help all communities,” Criswell stated. “I dedicated that to the governor, I decide to you proper right here that every one Floridians are going to have the ability to get the assistance that’s accessible to them via our packages.”

Harris ignored a reporter asking if she may clarify what she meant about ‘fairness’ for hurricane reduction.

“Vice President, are you able to make clear what you meant about fairness for hurricane reduction,” the reporter stated.

Harris walked away.


Governor DeSantis’ fast response director Christina Pushaw blasted Kamala Harris for refusing to make clear her feedback.

“That is false. [Harris’] rhetoric is inflicting undue panic and should be clarified,” stated Pushaw. “FEMA Particular person Help is already accessible to all Floridians impacted by Hurricane Ian, no matter race or background.”

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