Karine Jean-Pierre Says People Who Voted For Trump Are “an Extreme Threat to Our Democracy, to Our Freedom, to Our Rights” (VIDEO)


White Home Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Wednesday mentioned tens of thousands and thousands of Trump voters are a risk to the US.

“The president thinks there’s an extremist risk to our democracy,” KJP mentioned. “The president has been clear as he could be on that exact piece once we speak about our democracy, once we speak about our freedoms.”

“The way in which that he sees is the MAGA Republicans are probably the most energized a part of the Republican get together – that excessive, that is an excessive risk to our democracy, to our freedom, to our rights,” she added.


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Karine Jean-Pierre’s feedback come sooner or later after Joe Biden threatened military action towards Trump supporters.

Biden delivered remarks on the Marts Middle at Wilkes College after hiding out for a number of days.

At one level Joe Biden went off-script and threatened “right-wing People.”

“For these courageous right-wing People… if you wish to combat towards the nation, you want an F-15. You want one thing little greater than a gun,” mentioned Biden.

“I’m not joking!” he added.


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