KFC Uses Kristallnacht to Sell “tender cheese on your crispy chicken” on Kristallnacht “Memorial Day”


Kentucky Fried Chicken has issued an apology after using Kristallnacht “memorial day” to sell “tender cheese on your crispy chicken” to its German customers.

According to JustTheNews:

Kentucky Fried Chicken apologized for a promotional message telling German customers to remember Kristallnacht, a major event in the Holocaust, with cheesy chicken.

“It’s memorial day for Kristallnacht! Treat yourself with more tender cheese on your crispy chicken. Now at KFCheese!” the KFC app wrote in an alert banner last week, the BBC reported.

The fast food chain sent out a message apologizing an hour later.

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“We are very sorry, we will check our internal processes immediately so that this does not happen again. Please excuse this error,” the message said, as translated.

Back in February 2021, former Mandalorian star Gina Carano was cancelled from the Star Wars franchise “Mandalorian” over a Tweet about Kristallnacht.

The tweet read:

Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors…even by children.

“Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews.  How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?”

Since then, we have seen Joe Biden in his last two primetime addresses focus on little more than MAGA Republicans and his political opposition, without ever once mentioning any of the major crises facing the United States today.

Days after Biden’s divisive speech, an 18 year old was run down and murdered because he was a “right wing extremist,” which turned out to be far from true.

Kristallnacht  took place between November 9th and 10th in 1938.  Over 90 people were killed after a Polish-Jew named Herschel Grynszpan shot diplomat Ernst vom Rath.  It isn’t quite clear if it was politically motivated or a lover’s quarrel, but it resulted in strict law barring Jewish children from public schools, among other anti-Semitic laws.

It seemed Carano may have been referring to the same laws being implemented against those who refused vaccines and those who may have gone outside the mainstream goal posts, for example, questioning election results and asking for transparency.  The laws have resulted in mass censorship and civil unrest over political biases.

KFC reportedly claimed the tweet was automatically generated from a bot based on a calendar event.

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