Kid Rock Calls Oprah a Fraud For Endorsement of Fetterman Over Oz in PA Race


Kid Rock is not shy about sharing his opinions. On Saturday, the iconic rock star called Oprah Winfrey a fraud for her endorsement of Democrat John Fetterman over his Republican opponent, Dr. Mehmet Oz in the Pennsylvania Senate race.

“Oprah helped Dr. Oz with his career. I assume because she vetted him and found him to be a wonderful person. Now she is against him. Oprah is a fraud.”

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The criticism comes after Winfrey’s endorsement during a “A Virtual Voting Conversation” where she urged voters to get out the vote  in Tuesday’s midterm elections.

The endorsement sounded far from enthusiastic, “It is up to the citizens of Pennsylvania, but I will tell you this. If I lived in Pennsylvania, I would’ve already cast my vote for John Fetterman for many reasons.”

The lukewarm endorsement didn’t even warrant a dedicated tweet for Fetterman. Instead, it was buried among other topics.

Winfrey launched Dr. Oz’s career after he became a regular guest on The Oprah Winfrey Show,  a springboard for The Dr. Oz Show which ran for 13 seasons. Winfrey helped Oz become a household name.

Kid Rock has not been shy about his distain for Winfrey and other leftists in Hollywood and the media.

Earlier this year, in an interview with Tucker Carlson, the musician shared why he is willing to speak up and speak out.

“Because I don’t give a f*ck. I’m not in bed with any big corporate things at the end of the day. There’s nobody I’m beholden to – no record companies, no corporate interests, no nothing. You can’t cancel me. I love it when they try.”

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