Liberal Hacks Race to Blame Republicans, Fox News for Violent Attack on Paul Pelosi at SF Home


That didn’t take long. Liberal hacks are already blaming Republicans and Fox News for the awful violent attack on 82-year-old Paul Pelosi, the husband of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) early Friday morning at the couple’s San Francisco home. Nancy Pelosi was reportedly in Washington, D.C.

Pelosi home.

A press release by Nancy Pelosi’s spokesman says the attacker was arrested by police and Paul Pelosi was taken to the hospital where he is expected to make a full recovery.

CNN is reporting the assailant used a hammer to attack Paul Pelosi.

TRENDING: BREAKING: Nancy Pelosi’s Home Broken into Early This Morning in San Francisco – Paul Pelosi Violently Beaten, Taken to Hospital …UPDATE: Suspect in Custody

The statement by Speaker Pelosi’s office was released around 8:40 a.m. EDT.

Washington, D.C. — Drew Hammill, spokesman for Speaker Nancy Pelosi, issued this statement:

“Early this morning, an assailant broke into the Pelosi residence in San Francisco and violently assaulted Mr. Pelosi. The assailant is in custody and the motivation for the attack is under investigation. Mr. Pelosi was taken to the hospital, where he is receiving excellent medical care and is expected to make a full recovery. The Speaker was not in San Francisco at the time.

“The Speaker and her family are grateful to the first responders and medical professionals involved, and request privacy at this time.”

The statement was quickly reported on Twitter (8:44 a.m.)

Liberals were quick to cast blame on conservatives without evidence:

Just over ten minutes later Laurence Tribe blamed the “far right”, “This is nightmarish. I wish Paul Pelosi a full and rapid recovery. The far right has normalized the use of violence even against the families of public officials with whom somebody might disagree. This absolutely must stop.”

Shortly thereafter John Pavlovitz blamed Fox News and Republicans, “The attack on Paul Pelosi is the direct result of Fox News’ and the GOP’s purposefully irresponsible rhetoric. It will continue to get worse and if it gets control of Congress, our nation will be unrecognizable. We need to vote these monsters into oblivion.”

Dr. Abdul El-Sayed, “We don’t know why someone violently assaulted Paul Pelosi today. Yet. But it’s hard not to notice that the same Republicans who keep talking about crime *keep inciting people to violence.* Their logic is self-perpetuating. More fear, more violence, more guns. Rinse & repeat.”

Jeff Tiedrich told his one million followers, “has the person who attacked Paul Pelosi been invited to speak at CPAC yet”

Media Matters attacked Fox News for reporting on the attack:

Chip Franklin blamed supporters of President Trump, “The civil war? Not so civil. If Musk allows Trump et al back on Twitter, how many more Trumpers will attack Americans? I’m pretty sure my account won’t last, but while I can? F*ck you Musk.”

Doug Gordon, “All kinds of Republicans will come out with nice and sympathetic statements today about Paul Pelosi while they sit silently by as Trump and others encourage political violence.”

Prayers for Paul Pelosi’s recovery. Hopefully after November 8, Nancy Pelosi will be able to spend more time with her husband.

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