Marco Rubio Calls Trump’s Classified Documents Theft ‘A Storage Issue’


Marco doesn’t suppose that High Secret-SCI information in a storage room at Mar-a-Lago are an enormous deal. It’s merely an issue as to the place and the way these highest categorized information are saved—no huge deal.

This is similar Marco Rubio who’s in actual bother in his race towards Val Demmings for the U.S. Florida senate seat. Even if 538 has Rubio polling (on common) 4 factors above Val Demmings, there have been some polls extra lately which have Demmings both even or forward of Rubio. On the very least, the race is nearer than it’s presupposed to be. Maybe that’s the reason Rubio is working again onerous to the MAGA embrace. He wants that base.

Whereas most Republicans within the Senate have stayed largely quiet about Trump’s troubles, realizing that there is perhaps much more damaging proof on the market, Rubio should really feel the necessity to categorical stronger help for Trump as a result of information that aren’t presupposed to ever go away secured rooms aren’t presupposed to be saved close to the pool or within the desk drawer of a retiree in Florida. And but, in keeping with South Florida’s Channel Six:

“That is actually at its core a storage argument that they’re making. They’re arguing there are paperwork there, they don’t deny that he ought to have entry to these paperwork, however they deny they have been correctly saved.”

That may be a flat-out lie. The FBI and DOJ don’t agree that Trump “ought to have” entry to these paperwork. Trump is not president, and sure doesn’t have the clearance even to see these information at this level post-presidency. Moreover, amongst DOJ’s allegations is that Trump’s storage of the paperwork constitutes obstruction of justice. Rubio is aware of this. He simply doesn’t care and is mendacity. He goes on:

“I don’t suppose a struggle over storage of paperwork is worthy of what they’ve finished, which is a full-scale raid after which these fixed leaks. That’s the second downside. It’s the PR behind all this.”

There have been surprisingly few leaks. Many of the info that has come out was contained in briefs earlier than the courtroom. The truth that it’s a “PR Drawback” for Trump is Trump’s fault. Even Invoice Barr and Karl Rove have emphasised that this can be a downside of Trump’s personal making, and he bears the duty.

However neither Rove nor Barr is working for the Senate in Florida, and so Rubio needs to be disingenuous. He can’t hold his powder dry like most Republican senators, the overwhelming majority of whom are ready – quietly – for the subsequent shoe to drop.

Rubio might rue the day that he characterised this as a storage downside if the FBI has proof relating to Trump’s plans for these information.

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