Marjorie Taylor Green Claims She Was Kidding About 1/6 Coup After Getting Blasted By The White House


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) said that she was only being sarcastic after the White House blasted her for saying that she and Steve Bannon would be successful in a 1/6 coup plot.

Greene said while speaking at a dinner over the weekend, “I want to tell you something, if Steve Bannon and I had organized that, we would have won. Not to mention, we would’ve been armed.”

White House spokesperson Andrew Bates put Greene on blast, “It goes against our fundamental values as a country for a Member of Congress to wish that the carnage of January 6th had been even worse, and to boast that she would have succeeded in an armed insurrection against the United States government. This violent rhetoric is a slap in the face to the Capitol Police, the DC Metropolitan Police, the National Guard, and the families who lost loved ones as a result of the attack on the Capitol. All leaders have a responsibility to condemn these dangerous, abhorrent remarks and stand up for our Constitution and the rule of law.”

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Greene responded with a statement claiming that she was sarcastically making fun of Biden and Democrats:

Rep. Greene has been a target for Democrats because she participated in the planning to overturn the election and asked Trump for a preemptive pardon. Greene has been a focus of criticism because she supports domestic terrorists who were arrested after the 1/6 attack.

Greene’s comments were disrespectful to the families of the law enforcement officers who died due to the 1/6 attack, and the idea that the next attack could be even more bloody and violent sounds a lot like a threat.

Republicans need to learn that domestic terrorism isn’t popular, and the Biden White House is not going to allow comments like those made by Marjorie Taylor Greene to go unchallenged.

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