Mass Shooting at Michigan State University East Lansing Campus


A mass shooting is taking place at Michigan State University with unconfirmed reports stating more than one shooter may be involved and at least six wounded.

Excerpt from Michigan Radio:

Michigan State University Police and Public Safety reported a shooting on MSU’s East Lansing campus Monday evening.

Just after 8:30 p.m. the university put out an alert: “Shots fired. … Secure-in-Place immediately. Run, Hide, Fight.”

“Run means evacuate away from danger if you can do so safely, Hide means to secure-in-place, and Fight means protect yourself if no other option,” the alert continued.

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MSU Police posted a warning at 8:40 p.m. EST: “MSU ALERT: There have been shots fired near Berkey Hall on the East Lansing campus. Please secure-in-place immediately. Police are active on scene. More information to follow.”

Updates from MSU Police:

“Shooting at MSU in the building next door to my wife’s class. She is okay so far. Terrified.”

“My brother was in the basement of the union when the shooter started at msu”

UNCONFIRMED as of now:

“5 dead now per me”

“Multiple shooter everywhere in Michigan state university. 5 dead”

Gov. Whitmer, “I’ve been briefed on the shooting at Michigan State University. The Michigan State Police along with @msupolice, local law enforcement and first responders are on the ground. Let’s wrap our arms around the Spartan community tonight. We will keep everyone updated as we learn more.”

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