Matt Gaetz Wins Primary While Under Investigation For Child Sex Trafficking


Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is presently underneath federal investigation for little one intercourse trafficking, however he nonetheless received his Republican major.

Dave Wasserman of The Prepare dinner Political Report tweeted:

Gaetz is in a solidly crimson district, so there was little question that he was going to win his major, however the truth that he received his major says an excellent deal about the place the Republican base is true now.

Republicans used to pay lip service to household values, however that was all the time a buzzword meant to enchantment to the white evangelical voters who have been the make-or-break constituency for the Republican Social gathering.

Beneath Trump, the Republican Social gathering has gone from being a gaggle of conservatives who pretended to care about households to non-conservatives who willingly voted for alleged little one intercourse traffickers.

An excessive amount of dialogue has been devoted to the devolution of the Republican Social gathering underneath Trump, however the failed former president is a symptom of a illness that has been constructing for many years.

Republicans are of their full-blown decline the place they’re ignoring little one intercourse trafficking to vote for a troll who makes them really feel good by “proudly owning the libs.”

The issue is the bottom of the Republican Social gathering. For many years the elected officers within the Republican Social gathering have been pushed by the bottom. The bottom of the Republican Social gathering is the core of the rotten apple, and Matt Gaetz is the kid intercourse trafficking (allegedly) worm.


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