McConnell’s Approval Sinks To New Low In New Poll


Mitch McConnell is one of the most unpopular politicians in the country.

A new Civiqs poll found only 7% of Americas have a favorable view of Mitch McConnell.

That is the lowest his approval has ever been in this poll.

Breitbart reported:

TRENDING: IT BEGINS: Patriots in Arizona Call for a New Legitimate Midterm Election on December 6

Sen. Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) favorability has hit a record low, according to Civiqs polling released Monday.

Just 7 percent of voters view McConnell favorably, while 81 percent view him unfavorably. Among the Republican party, only 18 percent of Republicans approve of McConnell. Sixty-one percent disapprove.

Civiqs polling, which dates back to 2018, indicated McConnell has never sunk to a low favorability rating of 7 percent. In February 2021, McConnell’s approval rating was 8 percent, reaching 12 percent in June 2021. Since then, it has gravitated between 8 and 11 percent.

Despite his high unpopularity, he still claims other Republicans aren’t quality candidates.

He also bizarrely underfunded them despite the races being close.

The Gateway Pundit reported:

Mitch McConnell slammed pro-Trump candidates and accused the Republicans of lacking the “quality of candidates” you would expect.

Then Mitch knowingly underfunded Trump-endorsed candidates by 75%.

And then when Democrats came through and stole the elections Mitch McConnell blamed Trump for the losses.

Trump blasted McConnell blaming him for the midterm election losses.

The Epoch Times reported:

Former President Donald Trump on Nov. 13 blamed Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) after Democrats secured control of the Senate after winning races in Arizona, Nevada, and Pennsylvania.

“It’s Mitch McConnell’s fault,” Trump wrote on his Truth Social platform. “Spending money to defeat great Republican candidates instead of backing Blake Masters and others was a big mistake. Giving 4 Trillion Dollars to the Radical Left for the Green New Deal, not Infrastructure, was an even bigger mistake.”

“He blew the Midterms, and everyone despises him and his otherwise lovely wife, Coco Chow!” Trump added, referring to former Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao.

Why is someone with a 7% approval rating the leader of the Senate GOP?

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