Mitch McConnell Get Revenge On Trump By Supporting Bill To Block Coup


The Senate Guidelines Committee voted 14-1 to advance Electoral Depend Act reform, with 7 Republicans voting sure and solely Ted Cruz voting no.

The vote:

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell got here out in help of the invoice:

I strongly help the modest modifications that our colleagues within the working group have fleshed out after actually months of detailed discussions. I’ll proudly help the laws, offered that nothing greater than technical modifications are made to its present type.

Congress’ course of for counting the presidential electors’ votes was written 135 years in the past. The chaos that got here to a head on January sixth of final yr definitely underscored the necessity for an replace. So did Januaries 2001, 2005, and 2017. In every of which, Democrats tried to problem the lawful election of a Republican president.

Apart from the deep and private animosity between McConnell and Trump, there may be an excellent bigger issue at work. Mitch McConnell needs management again of the Republican Get together, and McConnell is the one autonomous drive inside the GOP that doesn’t should bow all the way down to Trump.

McConnell controls the most important tremendous PAC and an influence base that requires nothing from Trump. The truth that the 2 males dislike one another is icing on the cake.

Mitch McConnell sees Electoral Count Act reform as his opportunity to block Trump from with the ability to steal the 2024 election even when he loses to President Biden once more.

Trump has been complaining about and attacking McConnell for years, however the senator from Kentucky could get the final snicker by slamming the door shut on Trump’s bid to retake the White Home undemocratically.

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