Mitch McConnell Shows How Very Low He Is Willing To Go


Mitch McConnell was requested the place his ethical crimson traces are, and he made it clear that he has none.


McConnell refused to reply the query about what are his ethical crimson traces from Axios’s Jonathan Swan. He appeared to get offended when requested in regards to the hypocrisy of claiming that Trump was answerable for 1/6 and in addition saying that he would assist Trump if he was the 2024 Republican nominee.

The Senate Minority Chief refused to reply how he would deal with future Supreme Court docket nominations if he have been Majority Chief, and usually, McConnell made it clear that he values no legal guidelines, or precedents, and has no ethical crimson traces.

Mitch McConnell is a foul majority chief. He doesn’t accomplish a lot of something. He ignores the desire of nearly all of the American individuals. For McConnell, energy shouldn’t be about governing however is its personal finish.

Sen. McConnell’s superpower has by no means been that he’s a strategic or legislative grasp.

McConnell’s reward has all the time been that he has no morals and can do something to win.

In case voters wanted a wake-up name for the midterm election, simply do not forget that Mitch McConnell is a one-seat pick-up away from being the Senate majority chief.

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