More Classified Documents Found at Biden’s Delaware Home in DOJ Search


Six more classified documents were found at the Wilmington, Delaware home of Joe Biden on Friday during a nearly thirteen hour search of the home by the Department of Justice according to a statement released Saturday evening by Biden’s private attorney Bob Bauer. This is the fifth batch of classified documents found in Biden’s possession and the fourth to be found at the Wilmington home in searches stretching from December 20 to Friday. The first batch was found at the Penn Biden Center in Washington, D.C. on November 2nd.

Bauer also said, “The DOJ also took for further review personally handwritten notes from the vice-presidential years.”

Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed a special counsel, Robert Hur, to investigate Biden’s handling of classified documents on January 12.

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Follow-up statement by Biden’s special White House counsel Richard Sauber:

And comment by White House counsel spokesman Ian Sams: “An important note from the statement released by the President’s personal attorney:
POTUS’s lawyers offered to provide DOJ prompt access to the Wilmington home, and gave DOJ full access to it, including personally handwritten notes, memorabilia, and papers going back decades.”

Joe and Jill Biden are staying at their Rehoboth beach, Delaware vacation home this weekend. AP reporter Darlene Superville had asked at Friday’s press briefing if the stay at the beach house was because the Wilmington house was being searched. Karine Jean-Pierre deflected the question like she has others on the classified documents investigation.

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