‘Moving Vans in Front of Mar-a-Lago’ Jan. 18th – PoliticusUSA


For sure, specialists have been on tv all day mentioning essentially the most “gravely severe,” within the phrases of Frank Figliuzzi, components of the Affidavit, the “Hum-int” portion, that portion that impacts spies – loyal to the USA – all over the world, and may their identification get out, could be a demise sentence. Little doubt, most of our consideration ought to give attention to these disturbing particulars. However on web page 11, paragraph 30, there’s a very bizarre element that, for all we all know, impacts each different revelation.

Containers Containing Paperwork Had been Transported from the White Home to A-far-a-Lago

30. In line with a CBS Miami article titled ”Transferring Tmcks Noticed At Mar-a-Lago,” revealed Monday, January 18, 2021, a minimum of two transferring vans had been noticed on the PREMISES on January 18, 2021

Who guarded the truck? Anybody?  Provided that the subsequent total chapter, the subsequent three pages, are all blacked out, clearly, the FBI believes that the paperwork got here down in what the Miami Herald calls “two transferring vans.”

Had been these deliberately nameless transferring vans? If a president was transferring private and necessary stuff, wouldn’t it come down by army aircraft or a minimum of a army truck? Wouldn’t it’s guarded? These are the president’s issues!

Except the objective was to get these things out of the White Home with the least quantity of consideration doable.

And if that was the case, if all the level was to have two common vans transfer the packing containers all the way down to Mar-a-Lago (And keep in mind, every little thing after is redacted), Trump would have thus already allowed common previous Individuals with no clearance in any respect to deal with the nation’s “crown jewels” (Andrea Mitchell’s time period). Did the drivers know the significance of their cargo? Had been the drivers armed? Was the cargo locked? How significantly? Was there a depend of packing containers, or stock, because the truck left and when it arrived? Did the truck keep for the night time someplace? Was it guarded all night time? Is it doable that international spies knew of the truck (therefore a doable clarification)? Did Trump instruct the truck to cease alongside the way in which at a positive spot?

The small element, and it’s small, opens up a can of worms that should be absolutely investigated and sure has already been absolutely labored up. Nevertheless it provides us only a glimmer as to the seriousness of the breach.

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