PART 1 – A Midterm Primer: Steve Bannon and Jim Hoft Discuss THE IMPOSSIBLE RESULTS OF THE 2020 ELECTION On The War Room (VIDEO)


On Monday The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft joined Steve Bannon on The Warfare Room to debate our 2022 Midterm Motion Checklist that we launched on Monday morning.

The checklist contains the Seven Steps You Can Take to Save Our Elections from Fraud-

2022 Midterm Action List – SEVEN STEPS You Can Take to SAVE OUR ELECTIONS From Fraud

In our first section Jim Hoft and Steve Bannon “outline the issue” and talk about the a number of impossibilities of the 2020 presidential election outcomes.

TRENDING: 2022 Midterm Action List – SEVEN STEPS You Can Take to SAVE OUR ELECTIONS From Fraud

Included on this section – Joe Biden’s IMPOSSIBLE Victory:

** Trump received MORE VOTES than any sitting president in historical past!! Elevated his 2016 outcomes by 12 million votes!
** Trump received every bellwether county except one… 16 of 17
** Trump received EVERY conventional bellwether state – Iowa, Florida, Ohio – each winner since 1960 has received these states — till Trump in 2020!
** Trump received all 27 battleground US Home races in 2020.
** Counties: Biden received 81 million votes and 509 counties within the Nov. 3 election, whereas Trump received 74 million votes and a pair of,547 counties, in accordance with information aggregated by assume tank the Brookings Institute. Obama received 69 million votes and 873 counties in 2008. –USA In the present day
** Trump received extra non-white votes than any GOP candidate since 1960
** Trump received extra girls and voters of coloration in 2020 than he did in 2016.

What we witnessed:

** Late Night time drops… Stopped the counting… Perfect Algorithms by the voting machines
** The late evening VAN into the Detroit TCF Middle
** Poll Drop Boxes…..
** Blocked from Counting Rooms
** Public assist!— Trump has a million at rallies
Joe Biden will get 20 individuals in his rally circles together with employees and media
** Dragging in ballots DAYS AFTER ELECTION!

** Who’re Biden Voters?
The Huffington Post credited “low-income voters” with giving Joe Biden the win.
The place the margin of Biden’s victory was a squeaker-thin 3% or much less, low-income People accounted for 34% to 45% of the voting inhabitants (Arizona 39.96%), Georgia (37.84%), Michigan (37.81%), Nevada (35.78%), North Carolina (43.67%), Pennsylvania (34.12%) and Wisconsin (39.80%), in accordance with the research.

Right here is Steve Bannon and Jim Hoft on THE IMPOSSIBLE RESULTS OF THE 2020 ELECTION–

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