Pelosi Claims “Strong Leverage Over Scant Republican Majority” — What Does She Mean?


Democrats lost control of the House of Representatives – Pelosi will no longer be Speaker of the House.

Nancy Pelosi reacted to the news by claiming Democrats have “strong leverage over a scant Republican majority.”

The Epoch Times reported:

Pelosi, meanwhile, said that House Democrats “defied expectations” in the midterms, referring to how some analysts predicted Republicans would flip so many seats that they would enjoy a majority of a dozen or two seats.

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Instead, the majority will be just a handful of seats, complicating GOP efforts to get things done.

“In the next Congress, House Democrats will continue to play a leading role in supporting President Biden’s agenda—with strong leverage over a scant Republican majority,” Pelosi said.

This is a bizarre claim from Pelosi.

The expected outcome for Republicans is a 222-213 majority over Democrats – this is the same majority Democrats had in the last Congress.

Pelosi is planning on addressing her future plans soon.

ABC News reported:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday will address her “future plans” in Democratic leadership, according to her spokesperson, a decision that will have a major impact on Democrats in their new position as House minority.

“Speaker Pelosi has been overwhelmed by calls from colleagues, friends and supporters. This evening, the Speaker monitored results in the three remaining critical states. The Speaker plans to address her future plans tomorrow to her colleagues. Stay tuned,” spokesperson Drew Hammill said in a statement to ABC News.

It’s not clear whether the 82-year-old speaker will make a floor speech or when, but a source told ABC News Congressional Correspondent Rachel Scott Pelosi took home two different versions of floor speeches Wednesday night.

Why does Pelosi think Democrats will have “strong leverage” despite losing the House?

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