POLL: President Trump Has Big Lead Among Women In GOP Primary


The media’s attempts to smear Donald Trump as a sexist are failing.

A new poll found Trump leading the GOP primary field among Republican women.

40% of Republican women say they would choose Trump while, 23% say DeSantis and 9% say Nikki Haley.

Just The News reported:

Former President Donald Trump has an advantage over his possible primary opponents when it comes to Republican women, according to a new Fox News poll.

According to the poll, 40% of Republican women voters would choose to support Trump over former South Carolina governor and U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley and possible contender Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

The poll shows that 23% of GOP women would support DeSantis and 9% would support Haley. Former Vice President Mike Pence came in with 8% support.

Trump’s lead gets even bigger among candidates that have declared they are running for President.

Trump gets 63% while only 27% say Nikki Haley.

91% of Republican women disapproved of Joe Biden’s job as President.

Fox News reported:

When the poll asked Republican women who they would support out of the only two declared candidates, Trump received an overwhelming 63% to Haley’s 27%. Just 1% of respondents said they wouldn’t vote, while 7% said they would support someone else, and 3% said they didn’t know.

Republican women were overwhelmingly in agreement when it came to what they thought of President Biden with 91% giving him a thumbs down on his job performance and just 8% approving.

A plurality of Republican women (46%) said they saw the economy as the top issue facing the country, and a distant 23% said immigration.

This is great news for Trump in 2024!

For the antidote to media bias, check out ProTrumpNews.com…

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