Popular Preschool Animated Series “Peppa Pig” Introduces Lesbian Polar Bear Couple


Penny with lesbian mother and father (Supply: Peppa Pig)

A preferred British preschool animated TV collection has launched its first same-sex couple, a lesbian polar bear.

In episode 41 of season 7 of the long-running kids’s collection “Peppa Pig,” titled Households, Penny the polar bear launched her two moms.

Penny stated as she drew an image of her household, “I dwell with my mummy and my different mummy. One mummy is a physician and one mummy cooks spaghetti.”

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The Peppa Pig present premiered on British tv 17 years in the past and has since turn into a worldwide phenomenon. Over 180 nations and 40 languages tune in to observe Peppa Pig.

“The cartoon was not too long ago bought in a $4 billion deal to U.S. toy big Hasbro. Peppa Pig has even caught the attention of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Clinton appeared on The Graham Norton Present in November 2019 and gushed about Peppa when she met one of many collection’ voice actors,” CBS News reported.

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It’s been referred to as a “world phenomenon,” although it has additionally confronted some criticism for reinforcing gender stereotypes by showcasing a nuclear household construction with a dad who works and a stay-at-home mother.

petition was first circulated in 2019 calling on the present, which has aired for practically 20 years and received three BAFTA awards, to characteristic same-sex mother and father. The request garnered practically 25,000 signatures over the previous few years.

“Kids watching Peppa Pig are at an impressionable age, and excluding same-sex households will train them that solely households with both a single father or mother or two mother and father of various sexes are regular,” the petition says. “Peppa Pig isn’t just for leisure, kids are inevitably studying from it too.”

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